Private Charter Helicopter in Dubai

A private charter helicopter in Dubai refers to a helicopter rental service that allows individuals or groups to book a helicopter for their exclusive use. Private charter helicopters are a por option for those who want to experience the cityrsquo;s attractions and landmarks in a unique and personalized way.

HeliDubai is a leading provider of private charter helicopter services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). HeliDubai offers a range of helicopter options to choose from, including VIP and executive aircraft, as well as specialized equipment for aerial photography and surveying. Helidubai provides private helicopter charters for a variety of purposes, including business travel, sightseeing, and special events. The cost of a private charter helicopter from Helidubai in the UAE will vary depending on the helicopter type, the flight duration, and the destination. However, Helidubai is known for providing highquality services at compeive prices, making private helicopter travel more accessible and convenient for clients.
Helidubai is positioned close to Dubai International Airport and just minutes from the business and leisure hubs of the city, allowing us to provide a fast, efficient helicopter transfer service across the UAE. Whether you need to organize a private pickup for your CEO, transport your team to a business meeting or attend a premier event, our experienced team is on hand to ensure we deliver you and your guests comfortably and safely anywhere in the emirate.

Here are just a few of the most recent Dubai helicopter aerial filming and photography projects we have done:

Fast amp; Furious 7 ndash; BBC Top Gear ndash; National Geographic ndash; Discovery Channel ndash; DHL ndash; Red Bull Air Force ndash; Emirates Airlines ndash; Bollywood ndash; Filming of Mission Impossible 4 ndash; Roger Federer takes a helicopter tour of Dubai ndash; Filming for the BBC making of the Human planet ndash; Filming of the opening of the Palm Jumeirah ndash; Filming of the Official launch of Maydan ndash; Promotional video of Takasu clinic
Donrsquo;t hesitate to contact us for filming ONLY at +971 4 224 4033 email:

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